Friday 28 January 2011

Channel 4's Big Fish Fight

I’m sure anyone interested caught the weeks programs that were available recently by Channel 4. They are currently running a campaign to sort out our oceans before it is too late. All programs are available to watch on 4od and they make fascinating viewing. With cookery programs looking at ways to cook sustainable fish (maybe don’t try Heston's recipes unless you have liquid nitrogen available) as well as documentaries delving deep into what is really going on in worldwide fishing industries. Channel 4 is not the only one starting to talk this issue, as the recent Bruce Parry program also looked into fishing in Alaska, which *claims* to be completely sustainable. That program is also available on bbc iplayer, so have a watch and see if you agree with their claims. It is fantastic that these broadcasters are now brining these issues to light and letting the average man know what is happening out there, so take a look and try to pick up on their tips and ideas.

Anyone who is aware of my feelings will know that I don’t agree with persecuting fishermen. Their job is incredibly hard, so we must focus on how to manage sustainable fishing hand-in-hand with fishermen to ensure a safe future for our fish, for our fishermen and for us. Without healthy activity in our world’s oceans we would not be alive so we must all work together to ensure our seas future is a happy one.

To see the programs or read more, go to channel 4's website:

To join the fight, head here: