Thursday, 28 February 2008


Inshore Fisheries

Companies involved in regulating fishing and fish protection:

- Cornwall Sea Fisheries

- Marine and Fisheries Agency (MFA) - controlled by DEFRA

- Environment Agency

- Police (Comes under wildlife Crime)

the Recreational Angling Market is huge, creating 19,000 jobs for the sector and £1 billion is spent on the sport each year. Kayak fishing growing more popular. Recreational Anglers are often friends of those concerned about the environmental welfare of the see as it is important that the fish stocks are plentiful and healthy. Recreational anglers are fairly useful for research as they give good information on catches and the quality which can be useful for monitoring health of fish stocks.

A selection of minimum size catches for fish and shellfish:

Fish: (cm)

Bass 40
Black bream 23
Cod 35
Conger eel 58
Flounder 25
Grey Mullet 20
Herring 20
Mackeral 20
Plaice 27
Pollack 30
Red Mullet 15
Red Bream 25
Whiting 27

Shellfish: (cm)

Edible Crab
- Male 16
- Female 15
Lobster (carapace) 9
Scallop 10
Spider Crab
- Male 13
- Female 12
Whelk 4.5
Oyster 2.5
Cockles 2
- Farmed 4.5
- Pickers 5.5

There are 2 different types of fishing styles; rod fishing and net fishing. Each of these methods has its own set of ruls and regulations set up by the environment agency.

Rod fishing legislation includes rules regardingrestrictions of seasons, especially regarding particular fish and restrictions of bait types. For the Fal estuary, there are particualr restrictions regarding Bass, Salmon and Sea trout. For example, 'Rod and line angling for Bass from a boat and hand lining for Bass are prohibited in the Fal area from 1 May to 31 December' (order by DEFRA)

Net Fishing has stricter laws regarding particular species of fish, net size and types. the main species targeted in net fishing are Bass, Salmon, sea trout and Sand eel. For example, 'All forms of trawling is prohibited in the Fal area' (Bylaw of the Environment Agency)

If fishing for recreational activities, licences are not needed but laws regarding fishing must be followed, espcially catch sizes. For those wishing to sell their catches, particular licences are needed depending on what is being sold and who to.

There are several agencies committed to ensuring that the sport continues as it is today, ensuring Government policy supports recreational angling . The National Federation of Sea Anglers is one of the biggest supporting agencies, representing 'more than 30,000 sea anglers and 300 angling clubs'. It also claims to work with other related organisations such as Bass Anglers Sportfishing Society (BASS) and Sea Anglers Conservation Network (SACN)

Further Reading:

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

2nd Government Bill calling for changes to our environment

Climate Change Bill In A Nutshell

First published 13 March 2007, The Climate Change Bill was designed to help the United Kingdom cut carbon emissions and help contribute towards the worlds total climate change. The main point of the bill is to cut the UK's carbon emissions down by 26% - 32% by 2020 and finally reach a reduction of 60% by 2050.

As well as this there are to be five-year carbon budgets that will be set in advance to limit total emissions. The first is set to run between 2008 - 2012 and will be running for the 15 years after that. The country's climate and carbon emissions will be decided by both a climate committee and the government, so any amendments to the bill have to be passed by the committee, whom will be made up with its own appointed staff and executives. The bill doesn't outline how carbon emissions are going to be cut, but there is a strategy document drawn up by the government which discusses how the UK can start to lower energy costs and emissions. Ideas include new trading schemes for businesses, new technologies such as solar power, reductions in energy useage - personal and business.

Amendments to the bill are still in progress and the full version is expected before Easter so that it can come into law as soon as possible.

Updates as and when.

1st Government Bill calling for changes to our environment

An introduction to the Marine Bill

Many are now calling for a Marine Bill to be introduced to the UK to try and start to save some of the destruction that is occuring in our seas. Many have been campaigning for such a bill for nearly 7 years and finally, the Government seems to be start to take action. The idea of the marine bill is to try and protect our marine wildlife and secure the sustainable future of our oceans.

The marine bill hopes to introduce:

- More marine protected areas and more protection for those already established, to prevent dumping and unsustainable fishing.

- Stonger laws to protect rare or threatened species

- Ways to prevent exploitation of resources such as fishing, oil and gas, shipping and coastal development

- Ways to protect fish stocks and sustainable fishing methods for fishermen

Lyme Bay Reefs

The Wildlife Trusts (Inc. Cornish Wildlife Trust) have set up an animated online petition to fight against the scallop dredging and other destructive forms of fishing to save the reefs of Lyme Bay, off the coast of Dorset/Devon. The campaign is to try and get protection of the reefs - 60 square miles (a total 10% of the entire bay) People have been campaigning to protect Lyme Bay for the past 16 years.

To sign it:

(Also, animation rather sweet - Fish almost looks happy after its signed!)

CCC Forum

Climate against Climate Change


The London International Climate Forum, Saturday-Sunday 14th-15th June 2008

At the South Camden Community School, Charrington Street, Kings Cross / Mornington Crescent tubes

2 days of seminars and workshops on a broad range of climate-related topics. 2 major plenary sessions.
Speakers from all around the world – including politicians, scientists, journalists, campaigners and activists from environmental, development and conservation NGOs and grass roots groups.

Stalls, exhibitions, performances

Music / entertainment Saturday night

Speakers to include Michael Meacher MP, Caroline Lucas MEP, Colin Challen MP, Aubrey Meyer of the Global Commons Institute, Ginting Longenna of Friends of the Earth International (ex Director WALHI, Indonesian Friends of the Earth), Ichin Cheng of Taiwan Environmental Action Network, Wael Hmaidan of the League of Independent Activists (Lebanon), Mark Lynas author & journalist, Larry Loman from Corner House, Joss Garman from Greenpeace, Dr David Fleming of the Lean Economy connection, John Stewart of HACAN, Derek Wall Green Party Principal Speaker, Dr Stuart Parkinson, Director of Scientists for Global Responsibility, Dr Marion Birch of MEDACT, Professor Andy Haines from the London School of Hygeine and Tropical Medecine, Oliver Sylvester-Bradley from Solar Century, Mike Edwards from CAFOD, Muzammal Hussein from the London Islamic Network for the Environment, Mark Dowd from Operation Noah, Will Howard from Cap and Share, Steve Stretton from the Cambridge Centre for Climate Change Mitigation Research ……….and many, many more (see for updates)……….

For last years “International Climate Conference” on May 12th-13th at LSE see here :

Put this date in your diary now !

Submissions for self-organised seminars, stalls, exhibits, performances etc : please email

Tuesday, 5 February 2008


‘Rise in sea levels could have a major impact upon communities in coastal and estuarine areas’ suggests the 2002 report of the state of the Cornish environment.

Discuss the likely impacts on the Cornish coastline and evaluate appropriate management techniques to contain the challenge.

Author: Alexandra pearce, February 2008

Impending Sea level rise means big impacts and therefore big changes to our landmasses and, more importantly, our coastal towns. It is essential therefore to come up with plans to manage this future sea level rise and prepare for its effect on the region.

This study investigates the impacts that sea level rise will have on communities across Cornwall, for both the natural world and humans, and what courses of action should be taken. It examines sea level rise, its relation to climate change and past and future predictions for Cornwall, the UK and the rest of the world. It analyzes 3 different strategies of management plans for Cornwall; No action, Short term action plans and long term action plans. An estimated outcome is then predicted to determine what the best course of action would be to take.

Monday, 4 February 2008

Rare Fish in Fal

Article in Falmouth Packet stated that some fish found in the Fal are quite rare - Wednesday 30th January 2008

Surveys of the Camel and the Fal which started in 2007 have revealed that several rare fish appear to have become locals. These include the Norwegian topknot (Phrynorhombus norvegicus), gilthead bream (Sparus aurata), and seahorse. A total of 43 species of fish have been recorded in the Fal so far. the survey is being carried out by the European Water Framework Directive and is part of a study into the health of the estuary as a whole. Water quality, phytoplankton, saltmarsh ans seagrass habitats will also be checked at later dates.